How Fast Do Biodegradable Things Actually Biodegrade?

People say that biodegradable items are better for the environment. They don't take a long to decompose, which means animals and the environment as a whole are better protected. The question is just how long does it take items to biodegrade? Are they really that much faster and better for the environment?

Biodegradable Plastic Bags

Bags are one of the first things many will consider when it comes to biodegradable items. The plastic bags will take three to six months to fully decompose, according to Science Focus. It takes hundreds of years for the normal types that you get out of the grocery store, so you will definitely see a benefit to the environment.

Likewise, the biodegradable plastic cups will take around three months in an industrial composter, according to The Chic Ecologist. The bags and cups are unlikely to fully decompose in the landfill. This is because of the way the landfills are made up.

That doesn't always mean they will be better, and it will depend on the type of biodegradable bag you choose. Some degrade into a toxic slush of chemicals, endangering animals.

Vegetables and Fruit

Science Learn has a list of other items with the time that it takes to decompose. It states that the majority of vegetables will naturally decompose within a month. Some will take as little as five days. Fruit is different. Orange peels—among the most common items placed in compost heaps—can take six months to decompose.

This will also depend on where it has been placed. It can take much longer for natural items to degrade in landfill than it would in the home compost bin.

It Is Difficult to Tell

The problem is that it can be difficult to tell just how long things will take to decompose. With some items, scientists have been able to watch and measure. With others, it would take so long that the scientists have had to make an educated guess based on the makeup of the items and how long it has taken them to get to a certain point of a breakdown.

There are some items that will take "forever" to degrade fully. It is not necessarily going to take forever, but the items haven't shown any progress within a certain period of time.

Biodegradable is not necessarily going to be perfect for the environment, but it can be better. The items are at least likely to decompose fully in a shorter period of time. It just depends on where they have been placed. To learn more, contact a company like The Green Dumpster LLC. 
